Gladstone's Land, National Trust for Scotland

477B Lawnmarket, Royal Mile , Edinburgh , EH1 2NT
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24 September 2023
24 Sep 2023

24 September 2023 (10:00 - 17:00) Edinburgh In Person The ground floor is our
café and ice-cream parlour which also doubles as our ticket desk. You can find
retail shelves throughout and the floor is decorated with the building’s long
history in mind. Upstairs we have three floors of trading history, each
replicating a different time period. The top floor sees a 1911 boarding house
run by a widow in the Old Town’s darkest days. 1766 on the second floor sees
Lawnmarket on the verge of the Georgian New Town’s construction, and the first
floor sees the wealthy upper-middle class live quite comfortably through the
squalor outside in 1632 Edinburgh. Visitors to the property will be able to
take a walk through the 20th, 18th and 17th centuries, interacting with the
house, the history and the people who lived there. On each floor, visitors
will be able to talk with residents brought to life from the building’s rich
history, each one with special significance to the property, which dates as
far back as 1501. Facilities Disabled WC WC Refreshments Limited Access
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Booking required - Due to limited space, we have to employ a
slot system for allowing people into the property, which does mean we will
require time slots to be pre-booked. The guided tour is pre-booked as well and
although tickets are available at the café counter, it is advisable to pre-
book online. Tickets for both self-guided and guided are available on

477B Lawnmarket, Royal Mile , Edinburgh , EH1 2NT

55.9494484, -3.1936693