Soutra Aisle

8 miles South of Dalkeith, Off A68/A7 on B6368, EH37 5TF is nearest postcode: site has tourist sign, EH37 5TF
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10 - 11 September 2022

10 September 2022 (11:00 - 16:00) 11 September 2022 (11:00 - 16:00) Midlothian
In Person The Aisle marks the largest and best endowed hospital in medieval
Scotland and has been the focus of a unique archaeo-medical investigation
since 1986. At 1200 ft. altitude this was the highest monastery in the British
Isles – with magnificent views... so dress warmly! For Doors Open Day 2022 we
are inviting visitors to explore the unlocked crypt! Take a tour by the
Director of Unique Archaeo-medical Investigations, who will provide news on
the 30 year investigation. Facilities Disabled Access Parking
Key Information

8 miles South of Dalkeith, Off A68/A7 on B6368, EH37 5TF is nearest postcode: site has tourist sign, EH37 5TF

55.8092073, -2.8802146