Inverness Creative Academy

Midmills Building, Inverness, IV2 3JP
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04 - 05 Septembre 2021

4 September 2021 (Tours at 10am, 11.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm) 5 September 2021
(Tours at 10am, 11.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm) Highland - Inverness & surrounding
area The Inverness Creative Academy project will see Wasps transform two
beautiful B-listed former Inverness Royal Academy school buildings in the
Crown area of the city into a creative hub. This will be the largest creative
hub in the Highlands, providing space for artists, designers, makers, creative
industries, arts organisations and cultural social enterprises. Facilities
Disabled Access Disabled WC WC During this guided tour of Wasps Phase One
we’ll share some of the historic research and hidden histories within the
building along with an opportunity to meet some of the artist's tenants in
their studio spaces. Wasps’ mission is to provide space and support activities
in which creative people can flourish. They have a 40 year track record of
supporting Scotland’s creative community and have grown to become one of the
UK’s largest studio providers. Wasps currently house 800 visual artists, 25
arts charities and 33 creative businesses at 18 sites across Scotland. More
information: Gallery (function () {
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Architect: Ross and Macbeth Building Date: 1895 & 1913 Places
are limited to 8 per tour (not including those under 12) and last about 1
hour. Phase 2 of the building is still undergoing renovation and will not be
part of this tour.

Midmills Building, Inverness, IV2 3JP

57.4782731, -4.2174594