Greenock - Wellpark Mid Kirk

Cathcart Square, Greenock, PA15 1LS
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11 - 12 Septembre 2021

11 September 2021 (10am-4pm) 12 September 2021 (1pm-3pm) Inverclyde The
church stands at the heart of Greenock, looking down William Street and the
site of James Watt’s earliest years. The internal square layout, with seating
positioned to fit a plan provided by James Watt’s father, gives the feeling of
intimacy. The church had a renovation in 1925 on internal improvements which
resulted in an overhaul and modernisation of artificial lighting throughout
the building. The pendants and pulpit light were individually designed in
bronzed brass, while the 4 columns supporting the roof received treatment to
project the eye upwards to the majestic ceiling to suggest strength and
solidarity. On Sunday 18th of August 1991, the Mid Kirk of Greenock celebrated
their 250th anniversary and since then this Grade A-listed building had a
complete restoration in 1999 with assistance from Historic Scotland. The pipe
organ was built in 1867, enlarged in 1912 and restored with the help of the
Heritage Lottery Fund in 2008.
Architect: Lord Cathcart/James Ewing Building Date: 1759-1787

Cathcart Square, Greenock, PA15 1LS

55.9472005, -4.7559396