Inspirational Walk : Dalmuir Park

Dalmuir Park, Dalmuir, G82 4PY
Show on the map
19 Septembre 2021

19 September 2021 (11:00-12:30) West Dunbartonshire This walk will provide an
opportunity to explore this park in the company of a knowledgeable guide and
in good company. Dalmuir Park is extensive and varied. A bowling green is
located on the Overtoun Road side and a golf course stretches out beyond. The
main landscaped area has pleasant lawns and colourful flowerbeds all
surrounded by mature trees. A large pond is home to a variety of waterfowl.
Near it is an ornamental drinking fountain. It was gifted by Provost Leckie in
1907. At the Mountblow entrance to the park the 'Dalmuir Park Sculpture' was
installed at the end of March 2013 to commemorate the Dalmuir Park Restoration
Project. This sculpture by Elspeth Bennie features a working clock providing a
link to the giant Singer Clock tower (whose factory was one of the major
industries of the local area); as well as detailing the history of the park.
The sculpture is lit up at night and is very picturesque. Please note the walk
is now taking place between 11:00am and 12:30pm on Sunday the 19th of
September. More about Dalmuir Park can be found on the Explore West
Dunbartonshire website : Explore West Dunbartonshire | DALMUIR PARK, DALMUIR
( [Both photos on this page are by Owen McGuigan] Facilities
Disabled Access Events for Children Parking Gallery (function () {
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Dalmuir Park, Dalmuir, G82 4PY

55.9114144, -4.4295013