Dunlop Kirk

Dunlop Kirk, Main Street Dunlop, KA3 4AG
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11 Septembre 2022
11 sep 2022

11 September 2022 (14:00 - 16:00) Ayrshire In Person On an impressive site at
the end of Main Street Category-B listed building of 1835 incorporating
earlier work from 1621. Oustanding 26 stained glass windows, ncluding work by
Henry Holiday, James Powell, Alfred and Gordon Webster, unusual in a village.
Two important Category-A listed buildings adjacent: earlty 17th century Hans
Hamilton's Tomb for Dunlop's first post-Reformation minister, and Clandeboye
Hall (formerly village school) built to honour Hans Hamilton by one of his
sons, Viscount Clandeboye. Splendid stained glass booklet £5. Facilities WC
Refreshments Limited Access Gallery (function () { $owlContainer = $('.owl-
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Photo Credit (c) G Michael Hitchon

Dunlop Kirk, Main Street Dunlop, KA3 4AG

55.7118328, -4.5406849