St Peter's Episcopal Church

153 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7EJ
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11 - 12 Septembre 2021

11 September 2021 (10.00am until 12noon & 2.00pm until 4.00pm) 12 September
2021 (2.00pm until 4.00pm) West Lothian Built in 1928 as a Memorial to George
Walpole, Bishop of Edinburgh and his wife Mildred, with assistance from
Missions in England and USA. It is designed as a miniature Byzantine basilica
with a ‘Cross in the Square’ plan form, a high central dome and half dome over
the sanctuary apse. This gem of a church featured in “Tiny Churches” (Dixe
Wills, 2016) and is Category B Listed. For the founders of the congregation a
century ago, the final repeal of 'religious disabilities' was almost within
memory. The new 2018 extension to the rear, into a steep gradient, provides
modern facilities. Facilities Disabled Access Disabled WC WC
Architect: J Walker Todd of Dick, Peddie & Todd Building Date:
1928 Pre-booking not required.

153 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7EJ

55.9761311, -3.6039681