Boghall Parish Church

Elizabeth Drive, Bathgate, EH48 1JB
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11 - 12 Septembre 2021

11 September 2021 (12noon until 2.00pm) 12 September 2021 (12noon until
2.00pm) West Lothian The building of this dramatic modern church by Wheeler &
Sproson was started in 1960 and completed in 1965. The sanctuary seats 400 and
has a unique hyperbolic paraboloid roof finished internally with timber.
Windows with plain coloured glass between the roof and the walls light the
interior. Facilities Disabled Access Disabled WC WC Parking Guided tours -
informal tours available during opening times, no booking required. Access -
wheelchair users need to entre from side door. Balcony not accessible once
Architect: Wheeler & Sproson Building Date: 1960s Pre-booking
not required

Elizabeth Drive, Bathgate, EH48 1JB

55.8999608, -3.6069119