The Old Haa Museum

Brough, Burravoe, Yell, ZE2 9AY
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25 - 26 Septembre 2021

25 September 2021 (11am - 4pm) 26 September 2021 (2pm - 5pm) DigiResources
Shetland The ‘Old Haa of Brough’, was built by Robert Tyrie, a local
merchant. He completed the 3 storey building in 1672, and it went on to become
the home of various merchants and Hanseatic Traders. The building is unique
and was listed on 13 August 1971 as a building of local significance in
Shetland, with its defining arches proudly curving towards the main road in
front of the museum. It also has a beautiful walled garden with inuksuit
statues constructed from Yell stone. The Old Haa Trust, formed in 1984,
acquired the building from the Shetland Amenity Trust, with the proviso that
they would “look after the building on behalf of the people of Yell.” With
this in mind, extensive repairs took place and the Old Haa was opened as a
museum. The Trust later purchased the Smiddy next door, which was incorporated
into the museum, and which now houses the Gift Shop and Gallery. The Old Haa
is a partner of Shetland Geopark. For Doors Open Days 2021 visitors can enjoy
our newly digitised photos and sound archive available in Natural History room
on first floor (curated by Karl Graham). You can also catch the History
exhibition, which holds the History of Halls in Yell, and catch displays about
coasts and waters in the Downstairs exhibition room. Visitors can also head to
the tearoom for a selection of hot and cold drinks, and home baking, browse
and buy from the shop and check out the beautiful and maintained walled
garden. Find out more about The Old Haa Museum here. Photo credits: Robert
Odie, Old Haa Trustee Digital Resources Bobby Tulloch's Shetland pictures
Explore Shetland through the eyes of photographer Bobby Tulloch; his
collection of photos was donated to the Old Haa Trust. explore Shetland in
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Building Date: 1672

Brough, Burravoe, Yell, ZE2 9AY

60.4988541, -1.0545224