Cultural Quarter Walking Tour – Grant Lodge and Elgin Town Hall

Grant Lodge, Elgin, IV30 1HS
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23 Septembre 2023
23 sep 2023

23 September 2023 (10:00 - 15:30) Moray Doors Open Day In Person The Cultural
Quarter is transforming two iconic heritage buildings in Elgin and the spaces
in between to create a connected, accessible and inspirational cultural
centre. Plans are underway to bring Grant Lodge back into use, creating a high
quality heritage venue which is accessible and open to the public, a
celebration of Moray’s rich heritage and a first point of call for local
people and visitors to the region. Also included in the plans is Elgin Town
Hall which is to be updated, extended and enhanced to build on the current
success of the venue and create an accessible regional hub for performing
arts, creative industries and the community. Join us at Grant Lodge on Doors
Open Day for a walking tour of the Cultural Quarter ending with a guided tour
of Elgin Town Hall. Learn more about the history of these beautiful buildings,
the plans for the future, see behind the scenes at Elgin Town Hall and chat to
the team working on these exciting redevelopments. Tours begin at 10am, 12pm
and 2pm and must be pre-booked via Eventbrite Spaces are
limited so don't miss out! Facilities Disabled Access Disabled WC WC Parking
Limited Access Not Accessible Gallery (function () { $owlContainer = $('.owl-
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To book your space on one of the tours visit:

Grant Lodge, Elgin, IV30 1HS

57.6504657, -3.3100384