Auld Kirk, Tayport

Auld Kirk, Castle Street / Witenhall, Tayport, DD6 9BY & DD6 9BX
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03 Septembre 2023

3 September 2023 (10:00 - 16:00) Fife ~ East In Person A religious site since
1607, the Auld Kirk’s present structure dates from 1794. It is one of the
oldest buildings in Tayport and an important local landmark, in particular
because of its distinctive leaning clock tower. The impressive John Miller
organ was built and installed in 1899 in a newly created bay. The Auld Kirk is
developing as an Arts and Heritage Centre, retaining the building’s historic
features. The surrounding graveyard has many interesting slabs reflecting
Tayport’s history, maritime connections and the family grave of renowned local
artist Martin Anderson, more widely known as 'Cynicus'. At 2.00 pm on Sunday
3rd September there will be a guided tour of the graveyard with a talk by Dr
Iain Flett about some of the more notable burials. Displays of old maps and
photographs of Tayport, as well as old films and a genealogy table will be
part of the DOD event. There will be a drawing competition for children to
design their own postcards and enter them in a draw. The first three postcards
drawn will win a prize. Facilities WC Parking Limited Access Gallery
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NO BOOKING REQUIRED. Stewards will be present at the venue.
GUIDED TOUR AT 2.00 p.m.

Auld Kirk, Castle Street / Witenhall, Tayport, DD6 9BY & DD6 9BX

56.4643564, -2.8680803