Dreel Halls, High Street West, Anstruther Wester, KY10 3DJ
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03 Septembre 2023

3 September 2023 (11:00 - 17:00) Fife ~ East In Person Dreel Halls comprises
community and events spaces in a historic complex of buildings including an
18thC tollbooth and 19thC church nave. Take a tour of the 16th century
Category A listed St Nicholas tower and, weather permitting, step out onto the
parapet for stunning views over Anstruther and out to the Isle of May. Explore
the adjacent graveyard with markers showing the extent of previous medieval
buildings, fascinating gravestones, and the stone coffin in which it’s said St
Ethernan (Adrian) floated across the sea. Hear about the current and planned
works of Anstruther Improvements Association who own the building and operate
it for the community. Home baking available Children are welcome on the tours
of the tower but must be accompanied and remain the responsibility of the
adult accompanying them. Facilities Disabled WC WC Refreshments Limited Access
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NO BOOKING REQUIRED Tours of the tower with access to the
parapet (weather dependent) will depart the Lower Hall regularly in small

Dreel Halls, High Street West, Anstruther Wester, KY10 3DJ

56.2223281, -2.7042135