Birchtree Studios, 6 Gladney, Ceres, KY15 5lt
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05 Septembre 2021

5 September 2021 (1130 - 1730) Fife ~ East Designer/photographer Michael
Wolchover and artist Kate Downie moved from Edinburgh to Ceres 3 years ago and
have set up Birchtree Studios- a beautiful high roofed studio with north
facing light, designed by Fife architect David Dow in 2018 and a converted
garage, in the grounds of their huge garden. Their combined fascination with
local linen has led to a myriad of output and creative research into the
nature of linen fabric: Michael exploring, through photography, film and
printed textile, many aspects of the linen making process. His sources range
from industrial archaeology to contemporary weaving in Kirkcaldy, as well as
the flax crop in its growing form at the bottom of the garden! Kate Downie has
recently used Scottish linen to create a series of paintings of local trees
over the period of lockdown, experimenting with the unique qualities of this
cloth using oil paint, home-made gesso and charcoal. A number of new
paintings, drawing experiments and prints will be on display. The studios and
the garden are inextricably linked at Birchtree Studios, both as a space for
recreation, research and experimentation within nature and as an extension of
the studios themselves.Kate & Michael look forward very much to opening the
studio doors and sharing their working/living environment with visitors! SEE
Disabled Access WC Refreshments Parking Limited Access Gallery (function () {
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Key Information

Birchtree Studios, 6 Gladney, Ceres, KY15 5lt

56.2959667, -2.9829164