Byre Theatre

Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, St Andrews, KY16 9AJ
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05 Septembre 2021

5 September 2021 (12:00 - 16:00) Fife ~ East Explore, discover and learn
about The Byre Theatre! Join us in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the
award -winning Byre Theatre building, through tours, talks, displays and meet
the Byre Team. Although the Byre was founded in 1933, the current building was
designed by award-winning architects Nicoll Russell Studios of Broughty Ferry
and was opened in 2001 by the late Sir Sean Connery. The Byre has been part of
the University of St Andrews since 2014 and the theatre’s ABP Auditorium and
LL Studio host around 800 events every year, with a programme which integrates
a public arts programme with community engagement and the teaching and
research interests of the University with a focus on theatre, dance, film and
music. If guidance allows, there will be a display of new discoveries from the
archive, building tours and talks as well as an opportunity to meet the
Directors. • Lift to all floors• All facilities, rooms and spaces are
accessible to wheelchair users and people with limited mobility• Both
entrances operate automatic double sliding doors• The Theatre does not have
dedicated parking• There are several locations around the Theatre for parking,
with 4 disabled parking spaces outside the entrances (2 x South Street, 2 x
Abbey Street)• There is a large drop off area on Abbey street that allows
direct access to the Theatre• Staff are trained to be Autism Aware and
Dementia Friendly• Assistance dogs are welcome• Family Friendly• Dog friendly
Theatre Doors Open Day 2021 Sunday 5 September 2021, 12.00pm – 4.00pm All
FREE, but please book for the film and tours in advance at
Join us as we mark 20 years in the Byre’s third building with a new short film
about the theatre, backstage tours and an opportunity to meet the Directors,
Kally Lloyd-Jones and Jessica Richards. Byre Back in Time, 1.00pm and 2.30pm -
FREE but please book *SPACE AROUND YOU means that there is plenty of elbow
room with just 70 of our usual 216 seats available to book. To mark 20th
anniversary of the opening of the current, award-winning building, we have
been charting the story of our unique theatre and the people who made, and
make, it possible through archive materials. From the very beginning to the
present day. Join us for the premiere of this new, short film, made in summer
2021 as part of the ambitious Archive Project. Building tours, 12.00pm, 2.00pm
and 3.30pm - FREE but please book Have a sneak peek at where the magic is made
as you join a small group for a rare glimpse behind the scenes of a
professional theatre. The Byre has been part of the fabric of St Andrews for
nearly 80 years and part of the University since 2014. It is an award-winning
building, with a 216 seat auditorium, 80 seat studio theatre and a 30 seat
conference room. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions and
hear some stories. Meet the Directors in the new Byre Living Room, 12.00pm –
4.00pm The Byre’s social spaces are changing. Kally and Jessica are on hand
throughout the afternoon in the Byre Living Room so that you can say ‘hello’
and ask them questions about their work at, and plans for, the Byre.
Facilities Disabled Access Disabled WC WC Refreshments There will be four,
hourly tours, conducted in line with all current Covid guidance, informal
talks and opportunities to meet the Directors and Byre Team. Everyone is
welcome. Gallery (function () { $owlContainer = $('.owl-carousel');
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Architect: Nicol Russell Studios Building Date: 2000 Byre
Theatre Doors Open Day 2021 Sunday 5 September 2021, 12.00pm – 4.00pm All
FREE, but please book for the film and tours in advance at

Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, St Andrews, KY16 9AJ

56.3389053, -2.7915822