Marygate, Pittenweem, KY10 2LU
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05 Septembre 2021

5 September 2021 (10:00 - 16:00) Fife ~ East St John's was built in 1805 on
the site of the northern gateway to the Priory, which was removed at the time.
The gateway was the Priory's principal outer entrance and was a Norman archway
surmounted by an armorial panel of the Abbot John Forman (later Archbishop of
St Andrews). The panel was built into the outside of the eastern wall of St
John's but now is mounted on an interior wall. The church was originally a
plain oblong orientated north-south but was enlarged in 1865. The more ornate
east-facing chancel was added later, and here you can admire the wood carvings
by Robert Lorimer, who lived at nearby Kellie Castle. All around you will find
splendid stained glass both old and contemporary. Younger visitors sometimes
enjoy counting how many angels they can find inside the church. For Doors Open
Days 2021 you can pick up a self-guide leaflet and walk around the old Priory
precinct; you may enter the courtyard behind the Gatehouse and get a close-up
view of the priory buildings from there. A service will be held at 11:30-12:30
and you are welcome to attend. FOR ALL OUR LATEST NEWS, EVENTS AND INFORMATION
VISIT OUR HOMEPAGE AT Facilities Disabled Access
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Building Date: 1805

Marygate, Pittenweem, KY10 2LU

56.2145738, -2.7272043