Queen Street, Tayport, DD6 9JZ
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05 Septembre 2021

5 September 2021 (12:00 - 16:00) Fife ~ East St Margaret’s is a picturesque
building of buttressed red brick, with painted stone lintels. This single-
storey cruciform structure was designed in late Victorian Gothic style by
eminent Dundee architect Thomas Martin Cappon in 1896 and its vaulted interior
features a variety of texture and colour, extensive use of timber, and
intricate window tracery. The chancel windows have leaded glass incorporating
the church’s liturgical colours. An American reed organ, manufactured in the
late 19th century by the world-famous Estey Organ Company of Brattleboro,
Vermont, was donated by church members Arthur and Beatrice Cooper and is still
in regular use. They are commemorated in the Pascal Candle stand made by their
blacksmith son John (Jacky) Cooper. The font was made by local craftsman
Gilbert Atkinson, who also made two crosses from historic timber. The
Hindenburg Cross was made from timber salvaged from SMS Hindenburg, a German
battleship scuttled at Scapa Flow on 21st June 1919. The Argyll Cross is made
of wood from HMS Argyll, built at Greenock and wrecked in a storm on the Bell
Rock, near Dundee, on 28th October 1915. There are several interesting
memorials, including one to six altar boys who lost their lives in active
service in the Second World War. FOR ALL OUR LATEST NEWS, EVENTS AND
ABOUT THE CHURCH AND ITS HISTORY AT St. Margaret of Scotland - Ferry-port-on-
craig, Fife - Places of Worship in Scotland | SCHR (
Facilities Disabled Access Disabled WC WC Parking Hearing Loop Gallery
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Architect: T. M. Cappon Building Date: 1896

Queen Street, Tayport, DD6 9JZ

56.4440436, -2.8821675