Event: SaltSpace - Artist Studio Visit

SaltSpace MakerSpace, 142 SaltMarket, G1 5LB
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18 Septembre 2021

18 September 2021 (1, 3 & 4:30; 30 mins) Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival Why
not book an Artist Studio visit to our MakerSpace studios at 142 Saltmarket.
SaltSpace is a creative Cooperative founded in 2019 by graduates of the
Glasgow School of Art to provide a supportive platform for new graduates and
early year creatives, as a stepping-stone into their artistic career.
SaltSpace sits in the historically rich High Street and Saltmarket area and we
aim to highlight the historical importance of the thoroughfare, while aiding
in its revitalisation as a creative quarter. Many of the art works in the
Maker Space shop were created by the artists in the MakerSpace studio, book
your artist studio visit to meet the makers and hear about their art practice
and the processes behind their work. Booking is essential - check back on this
page on 1 September for the booking link. Facilities Not Accessible

SaltSpace MakerSpace, 142 SaltMarket, G1 5LB

55.8549476, -4.2457946