Fossil Grove

Victoria Park, Glasgow, G14 9NY
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19 Septembre 2021

19 September 2021 (Open for visits 12-4; Optional tour at 12) Glasgow Doors
Open Days Festival Fossil Grove houses a unique collection of fossil trees,
formed 325 million years ago. This once vast forest eventually became the coal
that powered Glasgow's industry. Marvel at this piece of ancient history in
the beautiful surroundings of Victoria Park. You have the option to visit the
site and explore it for yourself, or attend a guided tour. The guided tour
will take you through of the interior of the Fossil Grove building to view the
330 million year old trees. Tour also includes the surrounding quarry area.
Booking not required to either visit the site or attend a guided tour!
Facilities Limited Access
Building Date: Circa 1890

Victoria Park, Glasgow, G14 9NY

55.8751169, -4.3314591