Knightswood St Margaret's Parish Church

2000 Great Western Road, G13 2HA
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18 - 19 Septembre 2021

18 September 2021 (Open for visits 10-4; Guided tours can be given as
requested by visitors) 19 September 2021 (Open for visits 1-4; Guided tours
can be given as requested by visitors) Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival Do
come and visit this well kept architectural secret dating from 1932, reputedly
the last stone-built Church of Scotland building. This lofty Category B listed
Church, designed by the well known architect Sir Robert Lorimer, dominates
Knightswood Cross and with its beautiful stained glass windows and intricate
wood carvings has the appearance inside of a mini-cathedral. It also houses a
gem, namely the 155 year old Father Willis 2 manual Pipe Organ. We hope you
will visit our Church at the Glasgow Doors Open Day Event 2021 so that we can
welcome you in person. You have the option to visit the site and explore it
for yourself, or attend a guided tour. Booking not required! Facilities
Disabled WC WC Refreshments Limited Access
Architect: Sir Robert Lorimer

2000 Great Western Road, G13 2HA

55.8951977, -4.3415949