Walk: Art Deco Laurieston - Dead or Alive?

Bridge Street Underground, G5 9NR
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19 Septembre 2021

19 September 2021 (2pm; 75 mins) Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival The 2020s
mark the start of a two-decade global Centenary of Art Deco and Streamline
Moderne architecture. But is how is it faring in Glasgow's inner southside?
Starting out from Bridge Street station you'll see a range of buildings in
Laurieston - some lost, some reborn with a new purpose, some fraying in the
backstreets, and some hiding in plain sight. Along the way you'll hear about
life in 20s and 30s Glasgow, discover the enterprising architects and
innovative design trends of the buildings, and get a flavour of this unsung
Art Deco Quarter south of the Clyde. Find out how these buildings have
contributed to the city's past and present and how - post-pandemic and in a
climate emergency as we rethink cities and the re-use of buildings - they
could support Glasgow's future. Meeting point: Bridge Street Underground
entrance. Facilities Limited Access

Bridge Street Underground, G5 9NR

55.8520693, -4.2585628