Skelmorlie's Secret Bunker

Off Old Largs Road, Meigle, Skelmorlie, PA17 5HF
Show on the map
11 - 12 Septembre 2021

11 September 2021 (12pm - 5 pm) 12 September 2021 (12pm - 5 pm) Inverclyde
This is a fully restored Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Post, part of a UK
wide chain that was operational until 1991. It was designed for a crew of
three and would have been used to detect and report on the effects of a
nuclear attack during the Cold War. Minimum age restriction below ground of 10
years old and all visitors require to be suitably dressed as it is unheated.
The heritage site now has a museum, above ground WW2 replica aircraft
reporting post and a toilet is available. We will also have a secondhand
aviation book stall and free WW2 British and German aircraft recognition
competition. Entry for our one hour guided tours is only by pre-booking via
07513-504115 taking into account current covid-19 restrictions applicable on
doors open day. Visitors will not be given access if they have not prebooked.
In addition we have a contact page and travel directions to the heritage site
on our website Gallery (function () {
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Building Date: 1964

Off Old Largs Road, Meigle, Skelmorlie, PA17 5HF

55.926359, -4.7712568