In the country with 29 national parks and with 51% of the territory covered with marvelous dense forests, celebrating nature truly opens a horizon of possibilities. This year, Sweden will mark the European Heritage Days common theme of nature by organising a number of nature-inspired activities to let citizens reconnect with their natural heritage.

From captivating rocky shorelines, mountain rivers and lakes to various urban green areas, the ornaments of Swedish landscape are an outstanding resource to explore and admire. During European Heritage Days 2017, these ornaments will be foregrounded through dozens of events that will focus on exploring cultural environments, cultural landscapes and culturally historic places.

The event dates are set for 8th, 9th and 10th September, and event organisers from all across the country are invited to offer their interpretation of the theme. The applications can be submitted via this page by 30th June, while the full programme will be outlined later this year.

Historically, European Heritage Days in Sweden have attracted thousands of people wishing to learn more about the foundations of their cultural heritage. In 2016, the programme of 133 events themed Heritage Communities welcomed almost 15,000 people who had an opportunity to get involved in lectures, talks, guided tours and other free activities throughout the country. This year’s theme promises at least as much engagements and certainly a memorable experience that puts natural heritage into a new context.

Some of the events are already announced here, while many more will be available as soon as the full programme is established. With all counties in Sweden participating in European Heritage Days, everyone will have an opportunity to find out something new about their local environment. By sharing knowledge and joy of cultural explorations, organising institutions, groups and individuals who become a part of the celebration will help make the autumn of 2017 an extraordinary one.