'MAPS +', an art/ heritage event
MAPS + is an art/ heritage event which celebrates the value in community generated map-making. This day-long event strives to highlight the nuanced and lively knowledge generation which occurs when people are prompted to remember place / family names, and their associated stories, as they link with community and landscape. This event focuses on two different parts of the country where (shamelessly inexperienced!) map making has been undertaken in an attempt to record this type of fragile knowledge.
MAPS + invites people to contribute to a ‘working map’ being undertaken in recalling the particular characteristics associated with Curragh Village. This event will include a display of historic documents which flesh-out the singular culture associated with this place.
It is intended that this casual, drop-in event will be of interest to people with a general interest in history, along with people who may have knowledge/stories which they’d be willing to share.
Twinned with the activities associated with this ‘working map’, we will also have on display objects/notes associated with the recent creation of a map of a flooded coalmine by two ex- workers at the mine. This map captures a landscape and culture which permeates the culture of the Castlecomer area. Artist Sarah Lincoln and poet Willie Joe Meally, will present a short film which they made – ‘Brave Bones’ –which hinges around this map and responds in an open and creative way to the multiple layers within the places where we live.
ICA hall, Co. Waterford