V4+V virtual train journey

Organization name
Cultural studies platform CULTstore

V4+V virtual train journey brings youth closer together and allows them to explore the Visegrad and Vojvodina regions in all their diversity. It will let them travel through space and time over the former Habsburg Monarchy. VR technology will enable them to explore railway heritage in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Vojvodina amusingly and creatively. Their guides will be peers from the Visegrad and Vojvodina regions who will present their own photo stories on railway heritage from their environment. They will share newly acquired knowledge on the role of the railway in preserving Central European collective identity through its tangible and intangible heritage. Guides will inspire visitors to participate in visual exploring and presenting railway heritage within interactive workshops organized in situ.

Once upon a time, today’s Vojvodina was an undeveloped wetland part of the glorious Habsburg Monarchy. Isolated, inaccessible and uninhabited, it has been quietly waiting for a connection with the world for decades. Suddenly, a miracle happened! A heated black stove with cupboards changed the history of the region! Train!

Even though it was a peripheral area of the Monarchy, today’s Vojvodina played a significant role in its railway infrastructure. And why? It supplied the dominant part of the Monarchy with its coal and fed the whole country with its wheat. That was more than enough for the creation and rapid development of the railway network here.

During the 19th century, today's Vojvodina acquired a dense railway network of principal and local railways. In addition to contributing to economic development, these railways played a significant role in the cultural progress of the population, especially in smaller settlements. Every village next to the railway became a part of the European cultural space!

In the second half of the 20th century, the car gradually replaced the train! Local railways were slowly losing their importance, and by the end of the century, they became out of use. The railroads are no longer there, but their tracks can still be seen in the fields and meadows. Today, only abandoned railway stations are silent witnesses of the not-so-distant glorious past.

What kind of message does such a collapsed and neglected railway heritage convey to young people who have never experienced the magic of train rides? 

Embark on our virtual train journey! Get to know the history and modernity of railway heritage in the Visegrad region and Vojvodina!

Cultural studies platform CULTstore and four partners from the Visegrad region are implementing the international project Railway Heritage for engaging the young generation - Rail4V4+V 2023, aiming to empower youth in responding to the current challenges facing the railway heritage through constructive dialogue, creative learning and interactive participation. In line with the aim of the EYY 2022, the main project goal is to involve youth in building a more sustainable and inclusive future for underdeveloped areas in V4+V regions.

The project aims to Engage, Connect and Empower young people in railway heritage development through: 

- Raising the level of their knowledge about common European history, culture, heritage, identity 

- Increasing their sense of initiative and participation in the society 

- Improving their understanding and responsiveness to cultural diversity 

- Empowering their creativity and digital skills as crucial players in the innovation of cultural heritage tourism; 

- Increasing opportunities for their professional development; 

Within the RAIL4V4+V 2023, we have opened a Youth photo competition for youth from remote areas in Vojvodina and Visegrad countries. The competition aims to engage youth in exploring railway heritage sites from their surrounding and develop their skills and creativity. Students will offer a photo story of selected railway locations. During EHD 2024, we will exhibit selected photo stories and encourage other young people to explore railway heritage and communicate with their peers. Moreover, our virtual railway route, available online, as well as VR technology, will enable a broader audience to become familiar not only with local but also cross-border railway heritage. Virtual railway journey will provide access for all who would love to learn about cultural diversity and mutual historical and cultural values of Vojvodina and Visegrad region. 

European Dimension

The European cultural heritage discourse comprehends contradictory views on its foundations. I believe in mutual European cultural assets, sites, traditions, and values. I approach European cultural heritage as an essentialist phenomenon through the pan-European, harmonious and liberal view. 
My story aims to raise awareness of the role of railways in integrating remote local communities through engaging and empowering young people, to strengthen the sense of the railway heritage in preserving Central European collective identity, to emphasise the European, cross-border dimension of rail transport that brings youth closer together, allows them to explore the region in all its diversity, fosters socio-economic and territorial cohesion.