SCAMBI CULTURALI... ALLA SCOPERTA DEL REAL SITO DI CARDITELLO! | Cultural exchange... discovering the Royal Site of Carditello
The "Real Sito di Carditello" Foundation (near Caserta and Naples, in southern Italy), in collaboration with Froebel International School (Aversa, Italy), is pleased to present this project designed with high educational quality indices:
✅ Multidisciplinary
✅ Cooperative: the entire group collaborated in all the activities, even backstage
✅ Creative: it is conceived entirely by the students themselves (ideas, concept, contents of the dialogues, translations) during a very long and patient preparatory phase of classroom mentoring
✅ Multicultural: this educational program expresses and promotes openness to discussion and intercultural dialogue, often as the result of journeys told by the children themselves
✅ Inter-generational: it promotes the value of historical memory of older people, but also the importance of the contribution that new technologies can give to preserve cultural heritage
✅ Inclusive: it is carried out by including participants who are actually of foreign origin and including children with special educational needs
✅ Playful: the scenes deliberately want to be a little naive and witty! In fact, the participants had a lot of fun ironically interpreting typical international and generational clichés. However, in this way they understood different cultural peculiarities and also their limitations, which sometimes are obsolete in today's evolving society.
Here is the presentation message written by the students themselves:
“Hello, everyone! We are the children from classes IV A and IV B of Froebel International School located in Aversa, Italy. In collaboration with the Real Sito di Carditello, we partecipated in the “Young European Heritage Makers” project.
Let’s imagine that the Real Sito di Carditello is a huge and important cultural site with a fantastic history. In the beginning, a gentleman named Carlo di Borbone had the idea to create a kind of “Royal Casino”, a mix of agricultural and hunting estate. However, it was his son Ferdinando IV who made this idea reality, so he called a talented architect named Francesco Collecini to make this place beautiful.
Imagine that the Royal Site was like a large park, with beautiful horses, an ancient farm, a splendid palace and a lot of artists who contributed to make it even more beautiful.
We would like everyone to know this beautiful place! That’s why we have become Italian tour guides who bring friends of different nationalities to visit Carditello. We will explain its history and show them how special this place is, comparing it with other international heritage and traditions.
Then we will use technology to make it better known, as if it were a kind of magic that helps us tell stories and show images to people far away. Additionally, we will involve young and old people, so that the important past of Carditello can continue to be appreciated in the future.
In summary, we want to make the Real Sito di Carditello shine again, make it famous so even the new generations can love it.
Enjoy watching the video!”