Traditional wooden skiis Pohorske žage, from Pohorje Alps, Slovenia

Story Natural
Božidar Novak

1. What is the objective of the project? The aim of the project is to identify, document, analyze, evaluate and interpret the intangible heritage of skiing on Pohorje. Pohorje is the most eastern part of the Central Alps. The first documented skier on Pohorje was the forestman from Lovrenc in Pohorje, Ferdinand Dolinšek, who in 1886 attended the imperial course in Gußweg in Upper Styria. He also brought with them skis, soon the domestic boys started to make similar ones. The documented oral tradition also speaks of the first skiing in Areh in 1886, and at the Padež vrh at Rogla in the winter of 1880/81. (Tončka Urbas, 1955). 2. What is skiing on Pohorje? Skiing on Pohorje is a way of life. Early settling of the hilly Pohorje with farms in the Middle Ages has brought winter travel and snowboarding with "skies". Skye is a Pohorje term for walking in the snow with snowshoes and skis. (T.U. 1955). Today, skiing is more than just a trip between eight farms in winter. It has grown into a cultural, economic and sports activity in Pohorje. Particularly worth mentioning is the way of snowboarding, which is at home in Pohorje and is called Alpine skiing skiing, and is carried out with indigenous skis made according to well-known principles, well-established and unfortunately forgotten knowledge.

Smuči Pohorske žage (SKIS POHORJE SAW) 1. What is the objective of the project? The aim of the project is to identify, document, analyze, evaluate and interpret the intangible heritage of skiing on Pohorje. Pohorje is the most eastern part of the Central Alps. The first documented skier on Pohorje was the Logrun from Lovrenc in Pohorje, Ferdinand Dolinšek, who in 1886 attended the imperial course in Gußweg in Upper Styria. He also brought with them skis, soon the domestic boys started to make similar ones. The documented oral tradition also speaks of the first skiing in Areh in 1886, and at the Padež vrh at Rogla in the winter of 1880/81. (Tončka Urbas, 1955). 2. What is skiing on Pohorje? Skiing on Pohorje is a way of life. Early settling of the hilly Pohorje with farms in the Middle Ages has brought winter travel and snowboarding with "skies". Skye is a Pohorje term for walking in the snow with snowshoes and skis. (T.U. 1955). Today, skiing is more than just a trip between eight farms in winter. It has grown into a cultural, economic and sports activity in Pohorje. Particularly worth mentioning is the way of snowboarding, which is at home in Pohorje and is called Alpine skiing skiing, and is carried out with indigenous skis made according to well-known principles, well-established and unfortunately forgotten knowledge. 3. What is a living cultural heritage? According to the UNESCO Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), intangible cultural heritage "means practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills and associated tools, objects, products and cultural spaces recognized by communities, groups, and sometimes individuals as part of their cultural heritage. Community and group diversified cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, continually recreating in response to their environment, nature and history, and providing a sense of identity and continuity with previous generations, thereby promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity. " Intangible, intangible, intangible, intangible cultural heritage are synonymous with the term living cultural heritage. The term live cultural heritage came into force with the Cultural Heritage Protection Act in 2008, which defined, for the living cultural heritage, "non-essential goods such as practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills, and related movable property and cultural spaces ( where this heritage is represented or expressed), which communities, groups and sometimes individuals transfer from generation to generation and continually recreate them in response to their environment, nature and history. " With the Act amending the Protection of Cultural Heritage Act, which entered into force on May 21, 2016, the term living heritage was changed to the term intangible heritage. 4. Why do we want to protect the living cultural heritage of skiing on Pohorje? Skiing on Pohorje is undoubtedly the cornerstone of the intangible cultural heritage. The Intangible Cultural Heritage Unit is an element of intangible cultural heritage, which due to its characteristics can be recognized as the element of cultural heritage that meets the Criteria for Entry into the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage and will be registered as such in the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 5. Production of skis and ticks according to the traditional method There are still ski and mall manufacturers in Pohorje according to the traditional method. The aim of the project is the living cultural heritage of skiing on Pohorje, this tradition is forgotten for forgetting and more. Start boutique production of top-class skis according to the traditional method. The administrator of this project is the Pohorje sawmill company, which continues the ninety-year tradition of caring for wood and forests. Pohorje saws, together with already existing producers of folk skiing tradition, re-launch knowledge, almost forgotten cultural heritage. In this type of research, we found that before the Second World, such a ski was used by Olympic champion Leon Štukelj, the winner of several medals before the Second World War. 0038641612139

European Dimension

What is the European Dimension of your story? European Dimension of our story is Pan Europeism. It was heard by Leon Štukelj (1898 AustroHungary -1999 Slovenia), few times Olimpic winner before WW2. Štukelj competed at seven major international competitions and won a total of twenty medals: eight gold, six silver, and six bronze. At the Olympic Games alone he won six medals: two gold medals (counted for Yugoslavia) in Paris in 1924, one gold medal and two bronze in Amsterdam in 1928, and a silver medal in Berlin in 1936. He told us about skiing at Pohorje Alps, before WW2. Leon Štukelj said that Austro Hungarian Emperium was prototipe of EU, but did not survive because of national conflicts. Skis at Pohorje Alps came from Vienna area in 1886, then Austro Hungarian. Survived Austro Hungarian, Kingdom of Jugoslavija, Socialist Federative Republic of Jugoslavia, and today Slovenia). The nature (snow), sport and sportship are the glue of European Dimenson. We invite applicants to define their own understanding of European heritage: Leon Štukelj said that Austro Hungarian Emperium was prototipe of EU, but did not survive because of national conflicts. Skis at Pohorje Alps came from Vienna area in 1886, then Austro Hungarian. Survived Austro Hungarian, Kingdom of Jugoslavija, Socialist Federative Republic of Jugoslavia, and today Slovenia). The nature (snow), sport and sportship are the glue of European Dimenson. and ask that these are in line with the Council of Europe's expressed values on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Olimpic winner Leon Štukelj was human rigts fighter, founder of pre WW2 Rotary Club in Slovenia. He was lojalist and judge. He was under in investigation of Nazi Gestapo since 1941, he escaped in Italian ocupation part. Since 1945 he was jailed by Communist regime in Jugoslavia, because he was pre WW2 judge. Your Story should aim to increase understanding of the shared history of Europe in at least one of the following ways: - the pan-European nature of the heritage, (from Austro Hungary to Slovenia) - links with key European events and movements (European Olympic committees) - the role of the heritage in the development and promotion of the common values that underpin European integration (today skiing turism at Pohorje Alps).