Pour obtenir la version française du formulaire, veuillez contacter : Stories.EHD@coe.int

This online form is in two sections:
Section 1 - Submission of your Story and
Section 2 - Submission of your project activity proposal.

You will be able to access Section 2 of the form once you have submitted your Story.

You are advised to prepare and save your Story and project activity proposal on a Word document before submitting them. Once your entry has been submitted, it cannot be rectified.

Kindly note that the Competitive Grant Award Procedure is only open to Heritage Communities / Organisations / Associations which have hosted or organised at least one European Heritage Days (EHD) event in the past four years (that is, between 15 August 2021 and 27 October 2024).

It is also expected that applicants will plan to host or organise a European Heritage Days event during 2025.

Your Story and/or your project activity proposal do NOT necessarily need to be directly linked to your European Heritage Days event(s).

Heritage Communities and individuals who have not organised an EHD event in recent years are still welcome to submit their Story under Section 1 for publication on the EHD website. However, they will not be eligible to participate in the Competitive Grant Award Procedure.

Pre-selection criteria

The shortlisting of the 16 x highest ranking entries to be invited to participate in the next stage of the competitive grant award procedure will be based on the following pre-selection criteria:

  1. Submission of an informative and interesting well-written Story (max. 10 points);
  2. European Dimension of the Story and project idea and to what extent it can serve as an example of good practice for other countries and communities (max. 15 points);
  3. Linkage of the Story and accompanying project idea with the European Heritage Days priorities of diversity, education, community participation and engagement, environmental protection, gender equality and/or youth orientation as well as the alignment with the European Heritage Days 2025 pan-European annual theme of Architectural Heritage (max. 20 points);
  4. Originality and creativity of the project idea (max. 10 points);
  5. Feasibility of the project idea to be completed within a clearly defined timeframe and within the maximum grant allocation available (max. 20 points);
  6. Potential of the proposed project to have positive outcomes for the community (max. 15 points);

Any ONE of the following criteria will be considered as an added benefit (max. 10 points in total):

  • Long-term perspective of the project (sustainability);
  • Transnational dimension of the project;
  • Inclusion of vulnerable and minority groups, young people and children.


Full details can be found in the Terms and Conditions for the Call for European Heritage Days Stories

Is your Heritage Community/Organisation an active participant in the European Heritage Days (EHD) in one of the 48 countries of the EHD Programme? (Please check the online list to find out what the European Heritage Days are called in your country.)
Have you organised at least one European Heritage Days event in the last four years?
Please tell us briefly about your most recent European Heritage Days event – including title, place and date. (Maximum 100 words.)
Is your Story being submitted by a winner of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards?
Is your Story being submitted by one of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe?
Did you write the Story yourself or have received the author's permissions to submit the Story?
The Council of Europe and European Commission does not bear responsibility for any copyright infringements. If you did not author the Story, it is your responsibility to ensure you have secured permission from the author before the submission of the Story.
Do you accept all Terms and Conditions related to the Call for European Heritage Days Stories?
Please ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions for the Call for European Heritage Days Stories which can be found here
Please tell us your first name and surname. Even if you are not the sole author of the project, your name will appear as the Storyteller on the EHD website. Please note that only one Story/grant application can be submitted per Storyteller/Organisation.
Please tell us the name of the Heritage Community/Organisation submitting the Story. This information will be published on the EHD website, along with your Story.
If you decide to publish your e-mail address it will be shown as part of your Story presentation on the portal, otherwise it will be visible only for the EHD Team.
Write the title of the Story you are submitting to be listed as part of the European Heritage Days Stories. This is the main title which will appear on your website entry.
About text formats

Restricted HTML

  • Allowed HTML tags: <a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id>
  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.
Please write a short and clear description to introduce your Story (maximum 300 words). The summary will be used to promote your Story, therefore please also refer to its European significance. This will appear as a summary introduction to your website entry. (Kindly note, there is no need to repeat the summary introduction text in the long description of the Story.)
Tell us in more details about your Story (maximum 1000 words). You are welcome to make your Story as informative, serious, amusing, passionate or original as you wish. But most of all, we welcome interesting and well-written real-life histories and stories for you to share with all European Heritage Days communities. If you would like your contact details to be shown with the Story, we advise you to put your contact details at the end of the description.
We invite applicants to define their own understanding of European heritage, and ask that these are in line with the Council of Europe's expressed values on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Your Story should aim to increase understanding of the shared history of Europe in the following ways: the pan-European nature of the heritage, links with key European events and movements, or the role of the heritage in the development and promotion of the common values that underpin European integration. What will be the impact of your action at a European level? Further details on the definition of the European Dimension can be found in the Terms and Conditions of the Call for European Heritage Days Stories.

No media items are selected.

Pictures are worth a thousand words so we invite you to visually present your Story by uploading a maximum of 6 x photo(s)/image(s). Recommended image size is 1200pxX1200px. Image files should not be larger than 2MB each and should be in .jpg or .png format. By uploading a photo, Storytellers declare that they have the right to use the image file(s), or that they have secured permission to use the image(s) for the intended purpose from the owner before submission.
Send the Story