The Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia, which is formed by 27 municipalities from 3 different autonomous communities, works for the preservation and the valuing of their ancient olive trees and environment. They has a heritage, natural and cultural value which needs to be preserved. Moreover, it contributes to the sustainable development of the territory.
The Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia, which is formed by 27 municipalities from 3 autonomous communities (Comunidad Valenciana, Cataluña and Aragón), has worked for the preservation and the valuing of the ancient olive trees and their environment for years now. The project started with the citizens concern about the plunder of these monumental trees. From this, an inventory was made and nowadays it includes almost 5.000 ancient olive trees with at least 3.5 m of perimeter at 1.3 m from the ground. Therefore, working together public and private sectors and with the cooperation of other governments, excellent results have been achieved:
- Awareness of the farmers and the local community
- Improvement in the process of the production of oil
- Farga Milenaria Guarantee mark that includes 12 brands which produce and commercialize certified oil from the ancient olive trees
- Synergies with gastronomy and the local business
- Development of the oleotourism: museums, areas and itineraries through the ancient olive trees
- Awards for the preservation at a national and European level
The ancient olive trees are a unique, natural, historic and cultural heritage which is delicate at the same time. Therefore, it needs a constant and collective work to ensure its survival although it is an engine of sustainable development of the territory. Moreover, visibility and appreciation at an European level are of key importance for the future of the ancient olive trees in Territorio Sénia.
The project is carried out with the cooperation of the 27 councils members of the Mancomunidad and also with the associations, mills, farmers, companies, 3 provincial councils, 3 autonomous communities and The Government of Spain. Moreover, all the sectors have been implied and count on the complicity of the local community.
From this, the culture of the oil, local products and the impetus of new economic activities are promoted to create jobs (especially for young people) and slow down depopulation.
It pretends to revitalize the culture and the economy of the territory by putting on value a natural and unique resource in order to convey and transmit it with creativity and give new approaches that could reach the highest number of people.
Likewise, it follows the sustainability criteria in terms of environment, society and economy and looks for the financial profitability to make the project viable.
It is important to make known the project to the youngest people, so activities in different schools of the area are performed.
The olive tree is part of the Mediterranean culture and the ancient olive trees in Territorio Sénia are a historic, cultural, natural and landscape heritage which is unique and is becoming a symbol of identity of the territory and its people.
All the activities are promoted through our website and social networks in order to have a broader scope.