"What's behind the mask?"

L’événement Creativity and Innovation Heritage Education Shared History
Николе Пашића / Nikole Pašića, Кокин Град / Kokin Grad, 79101 Приједор центар / Prijedor centar, Bosnie-Herzégovine
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15 Septembre 2020

From tradition to new forms of masks, disguises and rituals;

In our tradition, masks related to annual / church customs have been preserved, along with life cycle customs, e.g. wedding customs.

In recent times, a new form of masking and masks is increasingly being developed. Following the time in which we live, every traditional element in rituals associated with masks and disguises loses its identity and gradually fades.

The goal of implementing the idea called "What is behind the mask?" is to find out:

Why has masking been one of the main elements of custom-related rituals in the past?

Is the goal of disguise according to popular belief known?

Why did people disguise themselves in the past and why do they do it today?

Is masking just part of a child’s game or is it something more?


Николе Пашића / Nikole Pašića, Кокин Град / Kokin Grad, 79101 Приједор центар / Prijedor centar, Bosnie-Herzégovine

44.9775156, 16.7084543