Slovenski mladinski junak - Kekec / Slovenian youth hero - Kekec

Récit des acteurs
Boštjan Kernc
(Osnovna Šola Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem)
Boštjan + mnogi učenci
Vue d'ensemble

Predstavljamo igrani video posnetek, ki je nastal v okviru mednarodnega projekta Erasmus+. Sodelujoče šole smo predstavljale različne elemente kulturne dediščine posameznih držav. Posnetek, ki ga prilagamo k razpisu, je narejen na temo mladinski (knjižni ali filmski) narodni junaki. Naši učenci so izbrali Kekca: po njihovem mnenju najbolje predstavlja gorenjsko pokrajino in nošo, hkrati simbolizira vrednote, ki so jim tudi danes blizu: razigranost, pogum, varovanje narave. Vseh teh pet elementov smo skušali vključiti tudi v posnetek.

Sodelovali so učenci od 10 - 12 let, snemanje pa je potekalo na šoli oz. v njeni okolici.


We present a feature video created as part of the international Erasmus + project. The participating schools presented various elements of the cultural heritage of individual countries. The video that is attached is made on the topic of youth (book or film) national heroes. Our students chose Kekec: in their opinion, it best represents the Gorenjska landscape and costume, at the same time symbolizing the values that are still close to them today: playfulness, courage, nature protection. We tried to include all these five elements in the recording.

Pupils from 10 to 12 years of age participated, and the filming took place at the school or in its vicinity.