Jedburgh Mary Queen of Scots House - Creative Craft Workshops

Queen Street, Jedburgh, TD8 6EN
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04 - 05 Septembre 2021

4 September 2021 (11am-3pm) 5 September 2021 (11am-3pm) DigiResources Scottish
Borders Mary Queen of Scots House is a 16th century towerhouse in Jedburgh, a
historic town in the Scottish Borders. It was briefly home to Mary Queen of
Scots in 1566 and displays an array of exhibits associated with her stay. The
house sits in attractive gardens, home to some of Jedburgh's famous pear
trees, descendants of the original pear trees planted around Jedburgh Abbey in
the early 1800s. Two workshops inspired by traditional local crafts will be
open to children and families in the grounds of Mary Queen of Scots House. The
morning sessions will explore printmaking, using the streets of Jedburgh as
inspiration. Then, in the afternoons, participants will learn about
bookbinding traditions before creating journals or sketchbooks using recycled
materials. The workshops are being run by SHBT as part of the Jedburgh
Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme. Please see the separate Doors Open Days
listing for a virtual tour of Mary Queen of Scots House. If you wish to also
visit Mary Queen of Scots House (not part of Doors Open Days), please check
their website for opening and booking details. Book your place on a workshop
here. Digital Resources Virtual Tour Enjoy a pre-recorded short guided tour of
the building, outlining its history and importance in the town, as well as
taking viewers around the building's various rooms via a short film. Go on a
virtual guided tour! Facilities Events for Children Hearing Loop Limited
Building Date: Late 16th century

Queen Street, Jedburgh, TD8 6EN

55.4784701, -2.5530983