Legenda o Velebabi

Duška Vlašič; Alenka Misja; Društvo Slon
(Osnovna šola Metlika)
Vue d'ensemble

In the years 2021 and 2022,  in The White Carniola Museum (Belokranjski  Muzej Metlika) we established a new exhibition The Archaeological Treasures of the White Carniola, which is part of the wider permanent exhibition The White Carniola in the Reflection of Seven Millennia.

The author's team included a curator-pedagogue who decided for interpretative approach and actualisation of exhibited objects, mainly with the idea that the exhibition would reach all target groups of visitors more easily.

In collaboration with The Metlika Elementary School and The Elephant Association for Film Education from Ljubljana, Slovenia, (Društvo za izvajanje filmske vzgoje Slon), we have organised a multi-day animation film workshop for pupils of the third triad, aged 12 to 14 years.

During this workshop an animation film titled The Legend of Velebaba has been created by 9th grade pupils Manca Mihelčič, Nika Pečarič, Lara Oberman, Lana Išpanov, Janin Pirkovič and Lucija Kostelec. They have worked under the mentorship of Lena Lekša and Jelena Dragutinović from The Elephant Association for Film Education , art pedagogue Duška Vlašič from The Metlika Elementary School and curator-pedagogue Alenka Misja from The White Carniola Museum.

The animated film The Legend of Velebaba tells the story of how The Kučar Hill, the most important archaeological site in the White Carniola region, has been founded. The basis for the creation of the film has been a tale published in writer Lojze Zupanc's book The Treasure at Kučar.

Because of its originality and quality this animated film The Legend of Velebaba  has became an integral part of the new permanent exhibition The Archaeological Treasures of the White Carniola and available for viewing to all visitors of the museum.

Exhibited film contains also subtitles for hearing impaired visitors as well it has also English subtitles which is understood by majority of foreign visitors of the musem.



- photos of the workshop

- animated film is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb-3OH4804c&ab_channel=Dru%C5%A1tvoSlon

- photos from the exhibition the Archaeological Theasures of the White Carniola