Monimail Tower, Monimail, KY15 7RJ
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05 Septembre 2021

5 September 2021 (10:00 - 17:00) Fife ~ East We are a small charity living in
a beautiful walled garden and orchard set around a medieval tower in sunny
Fife. The tower dates from the 13th century – and is a former residence of the
Archbishops of St Andrews. The tower comprises three storeys over a basement,
which was later altered to form an ice house. For Doors Open Days 2021 you can
enjoy a small exhibition in the tower about its history and then you can take
a walk in the woods and see a range of ancient trees. We offer small guided
tours in and around the tower. Max 5 people per tour, no booking needed, on
first come first served basis. CATCH UP WITH OUR LATEST NEWS AND INFORMATION
AT Facilities WC Refreshments Parking
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Building Date: 13th Century

Monimail Tower, Monimail, KY15 7RJ

56.3152008, -3.1369543