Walk a mile in my shoes
The city walk will explore the neighbourhoods of old Larnaka and especially people's relationships as they are still reflected in the urban fabric, in the built and unbuilt environment.
The first walk will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be in Greek, and the second at 15:00 p.m., in English. The walks will start from Tuzla Mosque (at the Ottoman Baths) up to the church of St. John we will immerse ourselves in the Mandomahalla, the Turkomahalla and in history.
The walk will be delivered by Dr. Joseph Hadjikyriakos who will share historical information and stories. In between the two walks, between 13:00 p.m. and 14:30 p.m., he will facilitate a discussion on the subject. As part of the discussion, we will explore the relations between Turkish and Greek Cypriots in Larnaka over the years and we will hear stories from people who lived and grew up together in the area. We invite you to bring with you objects that evoke memories of the history of the neighborhoods and discuss about your memories and emotions about the past of the city of Larnaka.
Chamit bei, Larnaka , Chypre