Entre el cànem i l’arròs, i la presència anglesa a s’Albufera entre 1862-1896. / Between hemp and rice, and the English presence in S’Albufera between 1862-1896.


S’Albufera, before being a site for nature conservation, was an agricultural landscape. Hemp and flax, but above all rice, occupied more than 1,900 quartons (340 Ha) of land and hundreds of farmers in S’Albufera and Sa Marjal. Join us on a historical tour to identify the traces that this agricultural background has left on the rich toponymy and landscape of the wetland.

Torre de s’Amarador (Ctra. Muro - Can Picafort Ma-3431), 07458 , Espagne

39.776251009741, 3.0993086099625

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