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Ms. Agata MUCHA
National Coordinator for Poland

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The photo shows children in regional costumes (Silesian Highlanders) during a conversation with the founder of the Koniaków Lace Center.











European Heritage Days - Europejskie Dni Dziedzictwa

Theme for 2023: ‘Living Heritage - traditions for generations’ – ‘Żywe dziedzictwo - tradycje od pokoleń’

Dates: 9-10 and 16-17 September 2023

More information (PL)

"Living heritage - traditions for generations"

Every year, EDD is organized under a different motto that combines all events in the country. This year's slogan, indicated by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, is related to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, as well as the 10th anniversary of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Traditions passed down from generation to generation are one of the most important elements of the cultural heritage of any community. They are what bind them together and allow them to last in time and space. Shared values ​​and ideas, respecting historical or legendary figures, stories passed on, ways of expressing ourselves and behaving guarantee the continuation of the social bond. Similarly, skills, traditions and knowledge, music, customs and holiday rituals, practices related to nature, or traditional everyday behaviors, which are passed down from "grandfather, great-grandfather", make the community alive and lasting. Although these manifestations of heritage are most often associated with folk and regional culture, we cannot forget about the wealth of intangible heritage of city dwellers or various ethnic, religious and national groups inhabiting our country. Living heritage also means skills thanks to which the monuments surrounding us enjoy the craftsmanship.

- Handed down for generations, creatively renewed by successive heirs, the living heritage is a fascinating source of inspiration and identity from which we will draw during this year's European Heritage Days. The National Heritage Board of Poland is already preparing for this year's 31st edition of this largest cultural event in Europe. Traditionally, throughout Poland, thanks to the involvement of hundreds of people - local coordinators, institutions and volunteers, for two September weekends we will be able to rediscover the intangible cultural heritage of our country - says dr hab. Katarzyna Zalasińska, director of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage.

A photo from the basketmaker's workshop in Jaworzynka. In the photo, the master in the company of the local association Serfenta
Photo from the basketmaker's workshop in Jaworzynka (Silesia). Serfenta Association, author: Rafał Soliński.

''Intangible heritage needs protection''

Living heritage, due to its specificity, needs special protection. Therefore, in October 2003, during the 32nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, a document defining intangible cultural heritage was adopted. Within the meaning of the UNESCO Convention, intangible heritage includes: oral traditions - including language as a carrier of intangible cultural heritage, performing arts, knowledge and practices related to nature and the universe, skills related to traditional crafts, and customs, rituals and celebrations. Only those elements of heritage that are already included in the national register, which was created in Poland 10 years ago, can be entered on the international lists.

The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage is a list of manifestations of living intangible heritage from Poland and a form of protection of cultural heritage resulting from the 2003 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage signed by Poland. There are currently 73 entries in the List. It is conducted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in cooperation with the National Institute of Cultural Heritage.

Guests visiting the foundry in Taciszów during EHD [Click and drag to move] ​
Guests visiting the foundry in Taciszów during EHD. From the archives of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage.

More information about elements on the National List of ICH in Poland on the website (PL)

Let's do it together, you can find out how to join on the website (PL)





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Phone +48 22 551 56 76
fax +48 22 551 56 94