Industrial Heritage (2015)

Industrial Heritage (2015)

Canals, mines, breweries, potteries, forges, railways, cotton mills tell us as much about our heritage as celebrated archelogical sites, cathedrals and castles. This year Europe has come together to examine our shared past through the unique lens of our Industrial Heritage, with more than 30 countries joining this common theme. Throughout Europe we can see the remains of our industrial past: bridges, canals and railways, still in use today, making invaluable contributions to our economy. However, in most countries there are signs of long-gone industry – a derelict mill, a rusting machine, a brick chimney - all marking the sites of a once-thriving workplace and community. Our industrial past tells the story of change, development and creativity. It tells the stories of how and where we worked, the kinds of jobs we did and how we lived.